Best karaoke spots in Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡最棒的卡拉OK 吉隆坡最棒的卡拉OK
Meeting the karaoke-hungry demands of its people, KL isn’t short of karaoke joints. Whether it’s big chains with state-of-the-art equipment (and all-you-can-eat buffet – with the option of booze) or roadside stalls with their own makeshift karaoke equipment (thanks to YouTube, all you really need is a laptop, Internet connection, projector, screen and a mic), a KLite’s inevitable urge to blow off steam and sing for an hour or so – even when alone – is always met in the city. Here’s where to get your singing on:
Neway CEO has all the fixings: elegant, non-tacky interiors, large rooms, and quality sound and services with a good selection of English, Malay, Chinese, and K- and J-pop hits. Prices may be a bit steep (evening prices start from RM58-RM70++ per person on weekdays; expect to pay more on weekends), but if you’re serious about karaoke (and are fussy about where you practice your ‘craft’), Neway CEO is the way to go. Tip: Take the day off work and make full use of the weekday morning sessions for a fraction of the evening price.
Link: Neway CEO
A leading karaoke chain, one of Red Box’s strengths lies in its ubiquity and accessibility – all outlets are in a mall, which is perfect because KLites love malls. Food and room conditions may vary according to outlet, but you can be assured of quality equipment and good song selection that gets updated frequently with the latest chart toppers (but you’ll also find a lot of oldies). When in doubt, visit the outlet at The Gardens – the rooms are spacious and pristine. Price starts from RM58++ (Sun-Thu, 6pm-12midnight). Tip: Go with a student so you can make full use of the student rates. It’s also worthwhile to sign up as a member (free karaoke sessions on your birthday!).
Link: Red Box
Singing in a big group on a budget? Loud Speaker is one of the cheapest karaokes in town (RM28 nett on weeknights), with good songs (you’ll find everything from Maroon 5 to classic Take That), spacious rooms and a decent system. Tip: If you go in a group of four or more, at RM208 you get 12 bottles of Tiger beer and free refills on tidbits and selected drinks. How’s that for a party?
Link: Loudspeaker
Sang your heart out in KL? Then it’s time to discover the infinitely deep world of Japanese karaoke – here are a few spots to get you started.
Designed exclusively for solo singers, 1Kara is where to perfect your warbling before showing off in front of friends. This Akihabara branch is especially attractive for those looking to practice anime songs.
Link: 1Kara Akihabara
For first-time visitors to Tokyo, this is the most convenient place to find out everything you need to know about Japan’s pop-culture mecca of Harajuku. But it’s also where you can put your singing skills to the test – and best of all, it’s free. A recently opened tourist information centre, Moshi Moshi Box houses the Harajuku Kawaii Room, designed by kawaii impresario Sebastian Masuda and complete with an easy-to-use karaoke machine. You simply need to go on down to the Box and sing your heart out.
Link: Moshi Moshi Box Harajuku Information Center
First opened in 1956 as a lavish banquet complex, Osaka’s Misono is now home to around 40 tiny bars – including a few karaoke joints – creating an atmosphere not unlike that of Shinjuku’s famed Golden Gai bar quarters. Trendy counter-culture types regularly hold concerts and other events here as well.
Link: #93 Attend a punk banquet
Neway CEO集所有優點於一身:室內裝潢典雅脫俗,房間寬敞,音響效果一流的及有英文、馬來文、中文、韓文和日文精選熱門歌曲的豐富選擇。價格可能略高(平日的夜間價格從每人58令吉到70令吉起跳;週末更貴),但如果你重視卡拉OK的質量的話(而且對磨練歌喉的地點特別挑剔),那麼Neway CEO是不二之選。建議你休一天假,利用平日的早上時段來這裡高歌一番,比夜場價格便宜的多。
連結: Neway CEO
Red Box是著名的卡拉OK連鎖店,優勢在於店面數量多,交通便利。所有分店都設在購物中心內,是尤其喜愛購物中心的吉隆坡人的理想唱歌之地。雖然食物和包廂條件會視分店而有差異,但儘管放心,他們都使用一流的設備,而且豐富的歌曲庫會按照最新排行榜經常更新(但也有很多老歌)。如果不相信,你可以造訪The Gardens分店,房間優雅寬敞。價格從58令吉起跳(週日到週四晚上6點到午夜12點時段)。實用建議:與學生同行就能充分享受學生優惠價的好處。註冊成為會員也獲不同優惠(生日當天更會贈送免費歡唱時段!)
連結: Red Box
預算有限但又想跟一大群人唱卡拉OK?Loudspeaker是當地價格最低的卡拉 OK店(平日的夜間淨價為28令吉)。它有豐富的歌曲庫-從魔力紅(Maroon 5)到接招合(Take That)的經典歌曲,無所不有。房間寬敞,設備優良。提議你如果四人以上同行,就能以208令吉的價格購買12瓶虎牌啤酒,還可以免費補充小吃和飲料。在這裡辦場聚會怎麼樣?
連結: Loudspeaker
連結: 1卡拉秋葉原店
對第一次造訪東京的遊客來說,到這裡取得日本流行文化聖地原宿的一切必備常識再方便不過。但是,你還可以來這裡測試你的歌唱實力-最棒的是這是免費的。Moshi Moshi Box是最近才開放的遊客中心,內有可愛文化教主Sebastian Masuda精心設計原宿可愛風的房間(Harajuku Kawaii Room),附設了一台簡單易用的卡拉OK伴唱機。只要來這裡便可以盡情高歌。
連結: Moshi Moshi Box原宿遊客中心
連結: #93 赴一場龐克盛宴
Neway CEO集所有优点于一身:室内装潢典雅脱俗,房间宽敞,音响效果一流的及有英文、马来西亚文、中文、韩文和日文精选热门歌曲的丰富选择。价格可能略高(平日的夜间价格从每人58令吉到70令吉起跳;周末更贵),但如果你重视卡拉OK的质量的话(而且对练嗓子的地点特别挑剔),那么Neway CEO是不二之选。建议你休一天假,利用平日的早上时段来这裡高歌一番,比夜场价格便宜的多。
连结: Neway CEO
Red Box是著名的卡拉OK连锁店,优势在于店面数量多,交通便利。所有分店都设在购物商场内,是尤其喜爱购物商场的吉隆坡人的理想唱歌之地。虽然食物和包厢条件会视分店而有差异,但尽管放心,他们都使用一流的设备,而且丰富的歌曲库会按照最新排行榜经常更新(但也有很多老歌)。如果不相信,你可以造访The Gardens分店,房间优雅宽敞。价格从58令吉起跳(周日到周四晚上6点到午夜12点时段)。实用建议:与学生同行就能充分享受学生优惠价的好处。注册成为会员也获不同优惠(生日当天更会赠送免费欢唱时段!)
连结: Red Box
预算有限但又想跟一大群人唱卡拉OK?Loudspeaker是当地价格最低的卡拉OK店(平日的夜间淨价为28令吉)。它有丰富的歌曲库-从魔力红(Maroon 5)到接招合(Take That)的经典歌曲,无所不有。房间宽敞,设备优良。提议你如果四人以上同行,就能以208令吉的价格购买12瓶虎牌啤酒,还可以免费补充小吃和饮料。在这裡办场聚会怎麽样?
连结: Loudspeaker
连结: 1卡拉秋叶原店
对第一次造访东京的游客来说,到这裡取得日本流行文化圣地原宿的一切必备常识再方便不过。但是,你还可以来这裡测试你的歌唱实力-最棒的是这是免费的。Moshi Moshi Box是最近才开放的游客中心,内有可爱文化教主Sebastian Masuda精心设计原宿可爱风的房间(Harajuku Kawaii Room),附设了一台简单易用的卡拉OK伴唱机。只要来这裡便可以尽情吼歌。
连结: Moshi Moshi Box原宿游客中心
连结: #93 赴一场庞克盛宴
Syarifah Syazana, Web Editor Syarifah Syazana,網站編輯 Syarifah Syazana,网站编辑
In 2008, Kuala Lumpur took its place amongst other important global centres including London, New York, Chicago, Mumbai, Sydney and Dubai where citizens have access to their own city's version of Time Out magazine. Time Out Kuala Lumpur is the most influential magazine to ever hit KL, boasting a readership of over 125,000 affluent, outgoing people who share a love of finding out what's going on and who actively participate in everything that's happening in their city. Our web editor, Syarifah Syazana, compiled this piece. 吉隆坡躋身倫敦、紐約、芝加哥、孟買、雪梨和杜拜等全球大城之列,於2008年推出了屬於自己的《Time Out》雜誌,供全市居民閱讀。《Time Out吉隆坡》是吉隆坡至今最具影響力的雜誌,擁有超過12.5萬名讀者群,這些活潑外向的讀者們經常分享吉隆坡市的動態,並積極參與城市裡的各項活動。這篇文章是由我們的網站編輯Syarifah Syazana編寫。 吉隆坡跻身伦敦、纽约、芝加哥、孟买、悉尼和迪拜等全球大城之列,于2008年推出了属于自己的《Time Out》杂志,供全市居民阅读。《Time Out吉隆坡》是吉隆坡至今最具影响力的杂志,拥有超过12.5万名读者群,这些活泼外向的读者们经常分享吉隆坡市的动态,并积极参与城市裡的各项活动。这篇文章是由我们的网站编辑Syarifah Syazana编写。