Ramen in NY 吃遍紐約美味拉麵 吃遍纽约美味拉面
In the grand scheme of New York food, ramen has become as entangled in the city’s gastro makeup as dirty-water dogs, pushcart pretzels and bodega bacon-egg-and-cheese sandwiches. And while many city ramen-yas stick to the broth-fat-noodles tradition, notable noodle joints across New York are quick to subvert those time-honored tenets, twisting those traditions into something entirely its own—we’re talking deli-inspired bowls loaded with pastrami or Thai-style with green curry. It’s not traditional, it’s not purist, but it’s undoubtedly New York.
Top photo : Terry Robinson (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Deviating from your usual pork-based bowls, the flagship ramen at this Long Island City noodle insta-hit from husband-and-wife team Joshua and Heidy Smookler is built on a broth of oxtail and bone marrow, giving it a standout beefiness bolstered by melting cubes of brisket. Paired with shredded cabbage and half-sour pickles, the house specialty toes Jewish deli-novelty without succumbing to kitsch.
Photo : Paul Wagtouicz
After astonishing ramen lovers by being the first American to open not one, but two acclaimed ramen-yas in Tokyo, cult noodler Ivan Ramen—a Jewish baby boomer from Long Island—made a grand homecoming with this Lower East Side restaurant, a collage of Orkin’s all-American roots and Japanophilic fancy. There, Orkin preaches the gospel of the slurp with his exquisitely delicate double-soup shio, silky dashi-chicken stock swimming with thin rye-flour noodles and tender pork belly.
Photo : Paul Wagtouicz
In New York City, “Brooklyn” has become a trend in and of itself, a fact that can be seen in the beloved, Brooklyn-inspired deli ramen at Josh Kaplan and Justin DeSpirito’s Carroll Gardens noodle house. The bowl is a literal melting pot of influence, with a longer-simmered chicken broth bobbing with bubbe-style matzo balls and chashu made from borough neighbor Mile End’s smoked beef.
Photo : Paul Wagtouicz
After years of issuing out pristine fish to top New York restaurants like Per Se and Marea as a seafood salesman, Yuji Haraguchi made a name for himself in the city’s ramen circle with his take on Tokyo’s mazemen, a dry "mixed" version served without broth. At a perma ramen pop-up within his restaurant Okonomi, Haraguchi doles out strikingly maverick renditions such as bacon-and-egg mazemen and one tossed with raw salmon, Camembert cheese and Sichuan peppercorns.
Link: Okonomi
Photo : Jakob N. Layman
Slurped your way through the five boroughs? Waistline be damned – it’s time to head over to Japan for more noodles, soup concoctions and mouthwatering toppings than you could possibly imagine.
It might look more like a chic izakaya than a ramen joint, but this Nishi-Azabu shop, operated by the company behind the hugely successful Ippudo chain, serves up some seriously impressive product. Their signature dish is the kogashi ('burned') ramen, which features a thick soy sauce- or miso-based soup topped with charred fat, making for a flavourful, smoky experience.
Link: Gogyo
Defying the conventional concept of the greasy delicacy that is ramen, the healthy varieties at Kojimachi’s Soranoiro have proven wildly popular with Tokyoites over the past few years. Don’t forget to try the carrot puree-based soup, served with their vegan ramen.
Link: Soranoiro
Fukuoka’s Hakata is the home of tonkotsu ramen, and the best place to try the local delicacy is at one of the food stalls that pop up all over the city’s business centre when the day turns to night. The riverside Nakasu area offers a particularly magical experience.
Link: #37 Fill up on street food
攝影 : Terry Robinson (CC BY-SA 2.0)
有別於一般以豬肉湯底的拉麵,這家位於長島市夫妻檔Joshua和Heidy Smookler急速竄紅的拉麵店的招牌麵以牛尾和牛骨髓熬成的湯底,加上入口即化的牛胸肉與之相輔相成,帶出美味出眾的味道。搭配洋白菜及醃漬小黃瓜,這碗招牌拉麵引入了猶太熟食店的新花樣卻不流於庸俗。
連結: Mu Ramen
攝影 : Paul Wagtouicz
讓拉麵迷們跌破眼鏡,第一間在東京開了兩間拉麵店的Ivan Ramen廣受好評,出生於戰後嬰兒潮,來自長島的猶太人店主Ivan Orkin光榮返國開了這家位於曼哈頓下東區的拉麵店,融合了Orkin的傳統美國風格和哈日狂想。在這裡, Orkin以他精緻鮮美的雙湯頭鹽味拉麵,絲滑雞高湯加入細黑麥麵佐以軟嫩五花肉宣揚拉麵之道。
連結: Ivan Ramen
攝影 : Paul Wagtouicz
在紐約,「布魯克林」已經成了一個潮流的代名詞,從Josh Kaplan和 Justin DeSpirito 在卡羅爾花園(Carroll Gardens)開的布魯克林格人氣熟食拉麵店裡就很顯而易見。這碗拉麵本身就是個文化大熔爐,以長時間燉煮的雞湯配上猶太老奶奶風格的麵包球和鄰近城鎮Mile End的煙燻牛肉做成的叉燒。
連結: Dassara
攝影 : Paul Wagtouicz
為Per Se和Marea等頂級紐約餐廳供應新鮮海鮮,當了多年的海鮮推銷員後Yuji Haraguchi以他對東京無湯的撈拉麵(mazemen)的獨特詮釋在紐約拉麵界闖出了一番天地。在他經營的餐廳Okonomi中的常駐拉麵攤裡,Haraguchi做出超乎尋常的乾拉麵口味,例如培根蛋,還有拌著生鮭魚、卡門柏乳酪和花椒的拉麵。
連結: Okonomi
攝影 : Jakob N. Layman
連結: Gogyo
連結: Soranoiro
連結: #37 吃盡街頭小吃
摄影 : Terry Robinson (CC BY-SA 2.0)
有别于一般以猪肉汤底的拉面,这家位于长岛市夫妻组合Joshua和Heidy Smookler急速窜红的拉面店的招牌面以牛尾和牛骨髓熬成的汤底,加上入口即化的牛胸肉与之相辅相成,带出美味出众的味道。搭配卷心菜及醃渍小黄瓜,这碗招牌拉面引入了犹太熟食店的新花样却不流于庸俗。
连结: Mu Ramen
摄影 : Paul Wagtouicz
让拉面迷们跌破眼镜,第一间在东京开了两间拉面店的Ivan Ramen广受好评,出生于战后婴儿潮,来自长岛的犹太人店主Ivan Orkin光荣返国开了这家位于曼哈顿下东区的拉面店,融合了Orkin的传统美国风格和哈日狂想。在这裡, Orkin以他精緻鲜美的双汤头盐味拉面,丝滑鸡高汤加入细黑麦面佐以软嫩五花肉宣扬拉麵之道。
连结: Ivan Ramen
摄影 : Paul Wagtouicz
在纽约,“布鲁克林”已经成了一个潮流的代名词,从Josh Kaplan和 Justin DeSpirito 在卡罗尔花园(Carroll Gardens)开的布鲁克林格人气熟食拉面店裡就很显而易见。这碗拉面本身就是个文化大熔炉,以长时间煨煮的鸡汤配上犹太老婆婆风格的面包球和邻近城镇Mile End的烟熏牛肉做成的叉烧。
连结: Dassara
摄影 : Paul Wagtouicz
为Per Se和Marea等纽约一流的餐厅供应新鲜海鲜,当了多年的海鲜推销员后Yuji Haraguchi以他对东京无汤的捞拉面(mazemen)的独特诠释在纽约拉面界闯出了一番天地。在他经营的餐厅Okonomi中的常驻拉面摊裡,Haraguchi做出超乎寻常的乾拉面口味,例如熏肉蛋,还有拌着生鲑鱼、卡芒贝尔奶酪和花椒的拉面。
连结: Okonomi
摄影 : Jakob N. Layman
连结: Gogyo
连结: Soranoiro
连结: #37 吃尽街头小吃
Christina Izzo, Food & Drink Editor Christina Izzo,飲食編輯 Christina Izzo,饮食编辑
Christina Izzo is the Food & Drink Editor of Time Out New York, is a born-and-bred Brooklynite and, when not searching for the city’s ultimate lox-and-schmear bagel, can be found in the back row of a movie theater, yelling inappropriate things at the screen. Christina Izzo是《Time Out紐約》的飲食編輯,土生土長的布魯克林人。如果她不是在尋覓紐約市的終極無敵煙燻鮭魚奶油乳酪貝果,就可能是坐在某間電影院的後排座位朝著螢幕謾罵。 Christina Izzo是《Time Out纽约》的饮食编辑,土生土长的布鲁克林人。如果她不是在寻觅纽约市的终极无敌的熏鲑鱼面包酱百吉圈,就可能是坐在某间电影院的后排座位朝着萤幕谩骂。