Exploring the Japanese bar scene in London 探索倫敦的日式酒吧風光 探索伦敦的日式酒吧风光
Saké has been drunk in London only as long as London has had Japanese restaurants, which is less than half a century. The first wave of restaurants were aimed at Japanese bankers and captains of industry entertaining on expenses, but the second wave were aimed squarely at Japanese students and expatriates – and many tended towards the far more affordable, and jollier, izakaya approach. Then things stepped up a few gears around the turn of the millennium. London’s new wave of Japanese restaurants were self-consciously fashionable and aspirational, and began attracting clientele who had never set foot in Japan. Knowledge of saké was limited among these new customers, and so a new phenomenon was born – the saké sommelier (see box below).
Zuma Restaurant in Knightsbridge blazed the trail when it opened in 2002, employing the first saké expert, Sayaka Watanabe, to guide diners and drinkers through the 40 or so unfamiliar styles. To this day Zuma’s bar remains one of the most chic London bars to explore saké in, and still attracts a glossy, high-maintenance crowd of international jet trash who think nothing of spending three figures (SUB: = £100 or more) on a bar bill of sakés or saké cocktails. The artfully designed modern Japanese restaurant is also excellent, but it ain’t cheap at upwards of £60 per head.
Link: Zuma
Rather more affordable is the Soho branch of Shoryu Ramen, just off the tourist trap that is Piccadilly Circus. This relatively recent noodle bar has no seats in the small bar area, but it does have saké sommelier Mimi Tokumine, who is usually on hand to offer advice (ring in advance to confirm she will be there, as the other, non-Japanese staff know little about saké). With 40 sakés to choose from, there will always be something to suit your taste and budget, and you can eat here for around £15 per head. Be warned it’s not a bar though; you won’t be seated until all your party arrives, and you’ll have to order food.
Link: Shoryu Ramen
This little Japanese ‘tapas bar’ serves delicious (if pricey) nibbles, and has an annotated saké list of a dozen diverse styles with small glasses starting from £4.50.
Link: Kirazu
That rare thing, a Japanese restaurant with a decent saké list in a residential suburb of south London. The bar at the front is an attraction for local folk.
Link: Yama Momo
This is the hipster option, close enough to Old Street and Shoreditch that you can get there on your fixie bike or skateboard. And no-one in the slightly grungey basement bar will mind.
Link: Life
This branch of the high-end Japanese restaurant chain tends towards the traditional in approach and feel, and is not a place for the bargain-seeker. However they run a monthly saké club (typically £30 per event), which is a good place to meet like-minded enthusiasts.
Link: Chisou Knightsbridge
This fashionably modern Japanese restaurant has a great selection of sakés, some by the 300ml flask (so you don’t need to buy a whole bottle).
Link: Yashin Ocean House
A central London branch of Zuma, now with three branches. The Fitzrovia original has a bar in the basement serving saké and shochu cocktails.
Link: Roka
A saké sommelier, like a wine sommelier (waiter), is trained to match drink to dishes, and to guide customers to the style – and price – they like. London is where the Saké Sommelier Association was founded in 2006. It’s the only organisation of its type outside Japan. The SSA independently trains, tests and awards sommeliers in their saké skills, many of who go on to work at high-end Japanese restaurants around the world.
Link: Saké Sommelier Association
Done hopping through London’s finest saké -serving establishments? All that’s left is a tasting trip to the source, with its multitudinous specialist nihonshu bars, downtown izakayas and seemingly endless selection of saké varieties.
An excellent place to start any exhibition into the world of real Japanese saké, Yoyogi-Uehara's Sasagin more than merits a special trip. Overseen by an Anglophone sommelier with an immaculately trimmed 'tache, this long-running izakaya comes armed with a well-chosen selection of nihonshu, housed in glass refrigerators just behind the counter. English-language drink menus make life easier for newcomers, and the staff are eager to provide recommendations.
Link: Sasagin
Those partial to saké can’t go wrong at this shrine to rice wine, located right next to an actual shrine. The resident saké master’s collection is complemented by an array of delicious snacks, and the wall decorations proudly display signatures of top Sumo wrestlers who have visited. The clientele ranges from saké snobs to construction workers, and visitors can ask for personal recommendations of food and a compatible glass of drink.
Link: Moto
Drinking will only get you so far – to learn the deepest secrets of saké, visiting a brewery is essential. Akita’s are some of the best in the country, so the trip will be worth it.
Link: #092 Learn the joys of sake
位於騎士橋(Knightsbridge)的Zuma在2002年開業時創新風潮,聘僱了第一位清酒專家Sayaka Watanabe來為用餐和飲酒的顧客介紹40種各式各樣新奇風格的清酒。時至今日,Zuma仍然是倫敦探索清酒最時髦的去處之一,還在吸引著大量衣著光鮮、生活奢侈的國際社交人士,這些人不在乎花幾百美元(100英鎊或更多)在酒吧買單喝清酒或清酒特調。裝潢精巧的現代日本餐廳也很棒,但不便宜,每人平均消費60英鎊或以上。
Link: Zuma
相比之下,位於皮卡迪利圓環(Piccadilly Circus)的拉麵店Shoryu Ramen蘇活(Soho)分店比較實惠。這個較新開的麵吧在小小的吧台位置並沒有座位,但雇用了清酒侍酒師Mimi Tokumine,通常都會在場為你提供建議(提前電話確認她在不在,因為其他非日裔的員工對清酒不太熟悉)。在這裡有大約40種清酒供客人選擇,總有適合你口味和預算的。另外,用餐每人平均消費約15英鎊,非常划算。但切記,這家店不是酒吧;除非你們人數到齊,他們是不會幫你帶位的,而且一定要點餐。
Link: Shoryu Ramen
Link: Kirazu
Link: Yama Momo
這家酒吧是潮人的選擇,離Old Street和肖迪奇區(Shoreditch)非常近,騎單速車或溜滑板就到了。在那稍顯略顯破舊的地下室酒吧裡沒有人會在意的。
Link: Life
Link: Chisou Knightsbridge
Link: Yashin Ocean House
這是Zuma在倫敦市中心的其中一家分店,現在已經有三家了。在 Fitzrovia 的本店地下室酒吧裡,供應清酒和燒酒特調。
Link: Roka
跟葡萄酒侍酒師一樣, 清酒侍酒師也受訓來為餐點配酒,根據客人喜歡的風格和價位指導他們品嚐清酒。倫敦更是清酒侍酒師協會(Saké Sommelier Association)的所在地,該協會成立於 2006 年。它是在日本國外唯一一個清酒組織。SSA獨立訓練、測驗和獎勵侍酒師的清酒技術,不少侍酒師其後到世界各地的高級日式餐廳工作。
Link: 清酒侍酒師協會
Link: Sasagin
Link: Moto
Link: #092 探索日本清酒樂趣
位于骑士桥(Knightsbridge)的在2002年开业时创新风潮,聘僱了第一位清酒专家Sayaka Watanabe来为用餐和饮酒的顾客介绍40种各式各样新奇风格的清酒。时至今日,Zuma仍然是伦敦探索清酒最时髦的去处之一,还在吸引着大量衣着光鲜、生活奢侈的国际社交人士,这些人不在乎花几百美元(100英镑或更多)在酒吧买单喝清酒或清酒鸡尾酒。装潢精巧的现代日本餐厅也很棒,但不便宜,每人平均消费60英镑或以上。
Link: Zuma
相比之下,位于皮卡迪利圆环(Piccadilly Circus)的拉麵店苏活(Soho)分店比较实惠。这个较新开的麵吧在小小的吧台位置并没有座位,但雇用了清酒侍酒师Mimi Tokumine,通常都会在场为你提供建议(提前电话确认她在不在,因为其他非日裔的员工对清酒不太熟悉)。在这裡有大约40种清酒供客人选择,总有适合你口味和预算的。另外,用餐每人平均消费约15英镑,非常划算。但要注意的是,这家店不是酒吧;除非你们人数到齐,他们是不会帮你带位的,而且一定要点餐。
Link: Shoryu Ramen
Link: Kirazu
Link: Yama Momo
这家酒吧是潮人的选择,离Old Street和肖迪奇区(Shoreditch)非常近,骑单速车或熘滑板就到了。在那稍显略显破旧的地下室酒吧裡没有人会在意的。
Link: Life
Link: Chisou Knightsbridge
Link: Yashin Ocean House
这是Zuma在伦敦市中心的其中一家分店,现在已经有三家了。在 Fitzrovia 的本店地下室酒吧裡,供应清酒和烧酒鸡尾酒。
Link: Roka 餐馆
跟红酒侍酒师一样, 清酒侍酒师也受训来为餐点配酒,根据客人喜欢的风格和价位指导他们品嚐清酒。伦敦更是清酒侍酒师协会(Saké Sommelier Association)的所在地,该协会成立于 2006 年。它是在日本国外唯一一个清酒组织。SSA独立训练、测验和奖励侍酒师的清酒技术,不少侍酒师其后到世界各地的高级日式餐厅工作。
Link: 清酒侍酒师协会
Link: Sasagin
Link: Moto
Link: #092 探索日本清酒乐趣
Guy Dimond, Group Food and Drink Editor Guy Dimond,餐飲編輯 Guy Dimond,餐饮编辑
Guy Dimond has worked as a travel, food and drink writer for two decades, the later part of that at Time Out London as their main restaurant critic, working anonymously. Guy has won many awards for his journalism, including the best restaurant critic in the UK and the best overall food journalist in the UK, as voted by his peers (other food journalists). He is particularly keen on Japan, and Japanese food and drink, and has visited Japan several times, but still can’t speak a full sentence in Japanese (though he’s working on it). Guy Dimond 從事旅遊和餐飲寫作已達二十年,後期更擔任《Time Out倫敦》主要的匿名餐廳食評家。Guy的新聞寫作榮獲過多個獎項,其中包括被同行(其他美食記者)評選為英國最佳餐廳評論家以及英國最佳美食記者。他對日本、日式料理和酒類特別熱衷,並曾數度造訪日本,但不太會講日語(現在正努力學習中)。 Guy Dimond 从事旅游和餐饮写作已达二十年,后期更担任《Time Out伦敦》主要的匿名餐厅食评家。Guy的新闻写作荣获过多个奖项,其中包括被同行(其他美食记者)评选为英国最佳餐厅评论家以及英国最佳美食记者。他对日本、日式料理和酒类特别热衷,并曾数度造访日本,但不太会讲日语(现在正努力学习中)。