Nara Park 奈良公園 奈良公园
Kisa Toyoshima
It's not often you get to come this close to a herd of deer, let alone feed them. But within Nara Park's 660 hectares, there are 1,100 of these gentle creatures roaming around, napping, grazing in the grass and just generally waiting for you to hold out a handful of ¥150 'deer crackers' (some of them even 'bow' for their food). Don't be surprised at the feeding frenzy that's bound to erupt (and bring out their more aggressive side). The park also contains numerous historical sites including the Buddhist temples Todaiji and Kofukuji, and Kasuga Shrine, Nara's most celebrated Shinto shrine. Note that you're only permitted to feed the deer the crackers sold on the premises, so no throwing bread crumbs and the like.
相信不是每天都有機會近距離接觸一群小鹿並且餵食牠們。但是在660公頃的奈良公園裡,有多達1100隻鹿在這裡自由活動,有些在午睡,有些在吃草,有些等待你送上一把專為餵食製作的鹿餅乾 (¥150),有些更會向你哈腰求食!有時還會出現搶食的情況,呈現鹿群們較具侵略性的一面。園區內還有多個歷史景點,包括東大寺和興福寺,以及奈良最受尊崇的神寺-春日神社。要注意只可以用在園裡售賣的鹿餅乾餵食小鹿,不要隨便餵食其他麵包等食物。