Tokyo's 'yokocho' 東京各「橫町」 东京各“横町”
Keisuke Tanigawa
The word 'yokocho' refers to little alleyways that branch off the main streets. The suffix 'cho' is usually used to identify a town but in this context it carries nuances of 'to encounter' and 'to go and buy'. Hence, yokocho are the type of sidestreets where people congregate to socialise. The yokocho that still exist in every district of Tokyo today contain rows of little bars in old buildings, making them fun spots for bar hopping. Two of the most famous alleys are Nonbei Yokocho (Drunkard’s Alley) in Shibuya where you’ll find tiny traditional taverns selling oden and yakitori along with hip wine bars, and Sangenjaya’s Sankaku Chitai (pictured here), which is a chaotic but charming maze of pubs.
「橫町」是指大街分支出的小巷。在日語中「町」結尾的字詞多用於標示城鎮,但在此文中「橫町」有「遇見」、「出門購物」這些細微的差別。 因此,横町是人們聚集在一起社交的小巷子。橫町現仍存於東京的每個區域,包含在舊式建築物裡可看到一排排的小酒吧,成為酒吧狂歡的好去處。其中兩個最出名的小巷為澀谷的「Nonbei橫町」(醉漢小徑),你會發現時髦的酒吧旁有傳統的小酒館賣著關東煮和烤雞肉串。另外一條有如迷宮般的酒吧小巷,見圖中的「三軒茶屋三角地帶」。